book submissions

As of 14th July 2024, we are OPEN for submissions. We seek writing that resists easy classification and is greater than the sum of its parts. This can be poetry, fiction, or nonfiction, and often we find what we are looking for in between these things. For nonfiction, we particularly welcome lectures, poetics, critical theory, public-facing literary criticism, and interviews.

Submission is free, but please consider purchasing one of our titles to support us. We will be reading on a rolling basis, and we will provide a month’s notice before closing for submissions on social media.

Submissions that disregard guidelines, will be disregarded. Please read the following with care:

  • Submit a minimum of 36 pages (for prose this is single-spaced).

  • Familiarise yourself with our titles and design aesthetic. Authors have input on their cover (our authors’ input has, in fact, propelled the development of our design over the years), but we do reserve the final say as publisher. The interior typeface for all our books is Cardo, except in exceptional circumstances.

  • We are not accepting submissions that require full-colour printing at this time. However, black and white visuals, handwritten, calligraphic, and asemic projects, are all welcome. These visuals must be your own work, or you must evidence that you have secured the necessary rights and permissions for each image.

  • Translations are welcome, but you must evidence in your submission that you have secured the necessary rights and permissions from the original author (or their estate) and publisher. Please outline in your cover letter how your translations have been checked, reviewed, and revised.

  • For typed submissions, please use a standard 12pt font.

  • No racism, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, sexism.

  • No AI generated images or writing.

  • We suggest you include 2-3 sentences about your book, in addition to a short bio.

  • Simultaneous submissions are welcome, but please withdraw if your work is accepted elsewhere. Submittable’s external submissions feature is a helpful way to keep track of submissions!

What happens if your work is accepted:

  • You will receive detailed editorial attention.

  • We will publish with an initial run of 150 copies. Authors will be paid £200 / $250) and receive 15 author copies, plus a 50% discount on any future author copies. Further payment is issued at a £1 / $1.20 per book rate on future print runs (if preorder demand is high, the same rate applies to an increase in the initial print run and payment, i.e. if we print an extra 50 copies, you receive an extra £50).

  • Typically, you can expect your book to be published within 18-24 months from the date of acceptance.

Thank you for reading, if you think HVTN is a good home for your work, we would be delighted to read your work. Please send to: